Graham Smith: physicist, astronomer, educator, ...

Image credits, left to right: [1] Art: Measuring mistakes by Ulrike Kuchner. Lapel pin: CepheidStudio. [2] EROJ003707+0909.5, aka the space-invader. [3] Mapping dark matter with gravitational lensing. [4] Searching for gravitationally lensed gravitational waves.

Outreach and public engagement

I enjoy engaging with members of the public about my scientific research when opportunities come up, and have given numerous public lectures over the years. Pre-pandemic highlights include giving the Martin Humphries Memorial Lecture to the Carolian Astronomy Society in 2017, and speaking to the West Midlands branch of the Institute of Physics about the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and gravitational lensing in 2019.

My most active period of public engagment coincided with my term as Director of the University of Birmingham's Observatory (2012-2016). I enjoyed working with David Gregory-Kumar on BBC Midlands coverage of our new telescope and the exciting opportunities that it provides for Birmingham students and the local community. It was a priviledge to support students and early career colleagues to start the Astronomy in the City series of public events in early 2014, that is still going strong today. In March 2015 Astronomy in the City helped Birmingham Cathedral to launch their tercentenary celebration with a Solar Eclipse viewing event that was covered by Channel 4 News.

Links to media coverage of University of Birmingham's Observatory:
Channel 4 News joins Astronomy in the City at Birmingham Cathedral for the Solar Eclipse in 2015
BBC Midlands Today coverage of Stargazing Live 2014 at the University of Birmingham
Press release (2013): The University of Birmingham opens its new telescope to the public
BBC Midlands Today coverage of University of Birmingham's new telescope in 2013
Press release (2013): Student observations of Comet Ison herald a new era at Wast Hills Observatory

I have a latent interest in Science Policy, dating back to the inaugural Royal Society Scientist / MEP Pairing Scheme.

Inclusive Educator

Vera C. Rubin Observatory

Strong Lensing Science Collaboration